I brought Makayla in for her 18 month check-up yesterday (ok so we are a little late). But she is growing great. She is 32 1/3 inches tall 60%. Not bad for coming from a short mother. Lets hope she keeps on this track. She is 22 lbs 15 oz. 24%. Still a bit skinny. Strange to me since I still think of her as chunky. I guess I still look at her and see her as my chubby round baby. And the biggest shocker of all her head is 48 1/2 cm. 95%! ! ! I've never thought of her as a big headed baby, but, I guess she kinda is.

I took this picture of her sitting on the front steps. Mike had called to say he was going to drive past in the chopper, so she sat there for 10 minutes waiting. I think that she misses him. We all do, but a few more weeks and we can have him back!