Makayla's 2! ! ! I can hardly believe it. The years have gone so fast and she is getting so big. She already acts like she is way older than she is and is such an entertaining girl to have around. She always has something funny to say, she talks so clear and says little sentances you wouldn't expect her to be able to come up with yet. She is sweet(sometimes), adorable, loving, funny, and full of life and we wouldn't change a thing about her. We treasure every moment we have with her and time is going by way to fast.
This is Makayla waiting for her party. She was so excited she was singing herself Happy Birthday! It was adorable.

Makayla loves kitties so she had a kitty cat party.

Her kitty cake. I loved it, it's a cupcake cake(I don't think I'll ever go back to regular cakes) I brought a picture of the design I wanted to Safeway and they made it exactly how I wanted it. If anyone ever needs a cupcake cake made just how they want it, go there! They are awesome!

So this picture of Makayla and I I think we look so much alike, I've always thought we did but this one really makes it clear.

Poor Kayla, she kept trying to blow out her candles but couldn't get them out. She had such dainty little blows she needed some help.

Awww, Kayla sucking up to Grandma Sterk. She really knows how to butter people up.

Present time! ! !

I think the chapstick was one of her favorite gifts. She was so distracted with putting it on she hardly could focus on opening the rest of her presents.