Aiden started Kindergarten last week! I can't believe how fast time has flown with him. He was so excited to be starting school! He did great. He had his first 45 minute day on Tuesday and did great. He had so much fun, loved his teacher and made a few new friends.
My little goof ball.
Waiting for the bus.
He was so excited to be riding the school bus. We went out to wait for it 10 minutes early, then the bus was 15 minutes late. Luckily for us it was a nice sunny morning.
Very proud and waiting. . .
A BIG hug for his sister.
Off he went. . . I was NOT going to be 'that mom'. . . I ended up being her. Mike came home from work to watch him and caught me. I am not the Mom that cries about letting go, but there he went, onto the school bus and didn't even wave out the window at me! I couldn't believe it!
He had such a great time at school. He starts full days this week. I'm a bit sad, they are going to be long days while we are getting used to it.