This year Makayla was very into planning her party with me. She wanted a unicorn party so bad. We were able to come up with a perfect party for her. Safeway came through for me yet again designing her a beautiful cake.
This is the before shot
And. . . after some 3 year old little girl got her fingers into it.
So proud to be having a party for her!
She finally was able to blow out the candle! It took her a long time to learn to do that!
Present time!
Since Grandma was sick for the party we went over to her house to pick up her present a few days later. She was so excited!
Her own bike! And John Deere of course! She looks so cute on it, I'm not sure how white those cute little wheels are going to stay at our house but she sure looks cute on it!
3 year photo shoot
For her 3 year photo shoot we went to Ashley's house to do a mini shoot just for her. She looks so cute and girly! Not a look we see very often.