On our first day on land we stopped in Skagway. We had all day to hang out there. We rented a fun little Jeep to get around wherever we wanted to go. We decided to drive up to the Yukon. It was a fun drive that brought you past beautiful views, waterfalls, mountains and lakes. The while drive we were looking for wildlife that was supposed to be everywhere, bears, mountain goats, deer. . . But all we saw were a few squirrels, and some birds.
Our Jeep for the day. Since Mike and Kenz get car sick Jer and I squished into the back.
A few of our great views.
The fun couple that we got to spend a whole week with!
While we were walking around town we saw Sara Palin and decided to get our picture taken with her, or her cardboard cut-out anyway.
There were so many beautiful views in Skagway and great sights to see.