My favorite picture of Aiden. He looks so grown up and handsome! ! !

The Wedding Party

The Girls

The Groom

Beautiful Bride

What a happy couple

Wedding Programs

There were 3 little boys in the wedding and Makayla. We were all very nervous about how they would do. Would they go down? Cry? Could Kayla walk that far? The wedding came and they all did great. Noah was the only one who stayed in front the whole time but at least the rest of them made it down the isle. Here is Jake, he ran the whole way.

Sweet little Noah walked down the whole way and stood quietly by his mom the whole time!

What is that?!?! Aiden the entertainer.

His job was to wait for Kayla and help her. He could hardly wait to go down. He is checking to make sure she is coming. . .

Still waiting. . .

And here she comes.

And she's off and going, she had cute little bare feet and she even made it the whole way without falling! We were all very suprised. She hadn't been walking very long and that was the farthest she had ever walked before. Her headband on the other side was barely hangin on.

Here comes the bride.

The Kiss
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