I'm finally catching up here! I've been just trying to keep up the last few weeks since Parker has been born. Thing are going really well but we've been really busy. Here is a little sneak peak into what our summer has been like.
Kayla in my wedding dress. I LOVE these pictures of her.
Here are a few pictures of Parker when he was 6 weeks old (last week). He has been growing REALLY fast. He has about doubled his weight now is is getting very chunky! Just look at that double chin! He is also very sweet and cuddly, he does like to cry a lot in the evenings though but he makes up for it by going to bed around 8:30 and sleeps through the night! He has been for about 2 weeks now. It has been wonderful. We wouldn't trade this little guy for anything. The kids still just love him like crazy and are always helping out. Aiden can calm him down pretty well and he loves to hear Kayla talk to him.
Stacy and I made a trip to the Children's Museum and Chuck-E-Cheese. The kids all had so much fun. It was great, the kids played for hours while Stacy and I just sat and watched.
Aiden was able to do a Church Day Camp again this year and had a great time. On the last day he got his face painted and was so proud of it.
Makayla got to have a girl day one day while Aiden was at camp. Her friends Kestyn and Hawley came over. They made play dough and played a lot of dolls and horses. They were so fun to watch. We don't get a lot of girl time here.
Summer is going by way to fast for us. Before long school is going to start and I'm going to be loosing 2 of my kids! Kayla is starting Pre-K this year. It is going to be really weird without her around especially with Aiden in full time 1st grade!
I totally forgot to ask you about day camp. Looks like it was fun! Kayla scored with a girl day too!