Sunday, September 2, 2012

Parker is 3 Months!

Time is going so fast with this little guy!  He is already three months and a barrel of fun. He is getting very interactive and giggles so much.  He is still sleeping through the night and growing like a weed.  His evening fussing is dwindeling down, thank goodness and I usually have him in bed by 8:00!   
What Parker thinks is funny. 
(sorry  they are crooked, I couldn't get them flipped.)
That is Kayla in the background making funny noises for him.
He just started using his bumbo and I put the tray with a toy on it for the first time and he thought it was so funny! 
 I finally have been able to get some cute pictures of him smiling! 
 Parker and his new buddy Jaxon.  What a difference 10 weeks makes! ! !



  1. thank you so much. This totally made my day. He is so stinkin' cute. And Jaxon looks so much like Jessi. I can't believe how big Parker is getting.
