These last few months have brought some big changes to our family, Mike got a new job and we bought our first house! We have been really busy moving and adjusting to all the changes, the kids LOVE the new house, there is so much fun stuff to do outside! They now have a treehouse, a woods and huge yard! They each have their own bedrooms too. I'll try and get some pics up. For now I just have an overdue update on Parker.
I took these just before we moved a month ago. He is 7 1/2 months old here and getting 'so big'. He is now almost 9 months and can say Dada and Mama already! He isn't crawling and barely even rolls over. He can, just has no desire to. Silly boy is just happy to sit and watch everything going on around him. He has 4 teeth and a nice chunky belly.
ok he beat Emmalyn for the "Michelin" rolls. I can't wait to smooch on him...but by May he will be all over and want nothing to do with me.