Monday, February 7, 2011

3 Amazing Years

3 years ago we welcomed our baby girl into this world.  She was big, loud, and full of life.  We were both so in love with her, even if she did cry for hours on end and keep us up all night.  She made our lives so much sweeter and brought some pink into our house!  
5 days old, what a sweetie!
3 weeks old, what a chunk!
One year old.  How the time flies!

Turning into a little princess, somehow this phase didn't last long.
18 months old, funny girl.
20 months old.
2 years old!  

2 1/2 years old, she is so pretty!
3 Years Old.

These last 3 years with this girl have been amazing.  She has so much spunk and love for life.  She still throws lots of fits, cries all the time, and tests my patience every day.  But she is also very loving and sweet.  Gets so sad if something happens to Aiden, loves to cuddle with us, not often but we hang onto all the chances we get and that makes them so much sweeter, has a soft spot for animals of all kind, and can't wait to be big.  She has been telling me for the last 6 months that she isn't 2, she 24!  She knows that she is a girl now, but her favorite color is still blue and she rarely plays with doll or barbies, just animals.  When she dresses up she doesn't dress up like a princess, she comes out as a Tiger or a Dinosaur.  She is spontaneous, goofy, and never seems to run out of things to do that makes us laugh.  Although I offer to give her away almost daily I wouldn't give her up for anything.  My favorite thing about her right now is that she will come running up to me and grab my leg and say, "You are my best mommy ever."  Melts my heart every time.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lazy Day on the Couch?

Not in this house.  After Aiden got his tonsils removed I was expecting a few days of laying around on the couch.  Not with this boy.  One of  the medications he is on makes him hyper!  Instead he ties his blanket around himself and tells me he is a super hero and proceeds to jump off of furniture, run through the house, crash into walls, roars like a dinosaur. . .  
I haven't heard him complain about his throat hurting yet.  He seems to be handling it pretty well so far.  He still doesn't like him medicine but we have a system to get it down now. 
But once his medicine starts wearing off this is what he turns into.  It doesn't last long but it is a little break from the craziness anyway.
Makayla's cough is still really bad and we had a rough night with her.  I took her in this morning and we got her some medication to help her get better.  This is how she was watching a movie all cozy with her animals and blankie.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Aiden got his tonsils and adenoids removed this morning.  He did great, he wasn't nervous and did everything the nurses asked of him including a oxygen treatment since it turns out that he has bronchitis too.  But it wasn't to bad so they went ahead with his surgery anyway.  They gave him happy juice and wheeled him away in a little red wagon.  He was so relaxed and happy.

He woke up like a typical Seigman, fighting and screaming.  He was trying to pull out all of his IV's.  Mike held one arm down while the nurse held the other one.  Then they gave him a dose of morphine and he calmed right down.  We sat there for an hour and a half and watched a movie before they let us go home.  He ate popsicles and drank 7up.  On the way home he got sick and threw up all over the car, luckily it smelled like popsicles! !

We are now home and he is happily coloring and drinking smoothies.  He's has 3 different medications he needs to be taking and doesn't like 2 of them so that is going to be a battle every few hours for us to convince him to  take them the next few days.  And they told us that today is going to be our 'easy' day and then next 4 days he is going to get progressively worse before he starts getting better!  I'm going to be needing an extra dose of patience this week.  Makayla's cough seems to be getting worse too and we might have to try to pack up and go into the doctor tomorrow for her.  Considering he is young he should bounce back pretty fast so I have high hopes that the week will go by quickly and smoothly.