Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Little of Everything

We've had a busy week with kids activities.  We made a trip to Mt. Vernon to the Children's Museum with my 2 sister in laws to let the kids play and also went to Chuck-E-Cheese with them. 

Aiden and Ava were driving the semi truck together.
Makayla's favorite spot to play until she threw sand in a little girls eyes and I wouldn't let her back in.


This was both of my kids favorite rides.  Kayla only went on one other ride.  She spent all of her coins on riding the horse and was completly happy.

Tractor Show

We also were able to make it to the tractor show last week.  The kids had so much fun checking out all the tractors and climbing on them.  My kids were a bit tired and grumpy from an already long week but we had fun anyway. 
Aiden is so funny.  Karen was taking pictures of him and he would pose so nice for her.  Every time I try he won't even look at me.  What is up with that?!?!
I finally was able to get pictures of Kayla on the pink John Deere.  It has been at a few places we have been and every time I don't have my camera! 

Kids Play Day

I invited some of Aiden and Kayla's friends over for a play day a few days ago.  We had such a great time.  There turned out to be a LOT of kids that came.  But we had a great time.  We did a Scavenger Hunt, Fishing, Coloring, and Grandma Sterk showed up with her Guitar and Horses.  Luckily Stacy and my mom were able to stay and help me and Grandma brought some extra help with the horses.
Grandma Sterk sang songs with the kids while everyone took turns riding the horses.
Aiden enjoying his ride.
Kayla LOVED her ride.  She didn't stop smiling once.  I think she might have to be in 4-H when she is older.  Maybe Grandma will help her out!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Shaving 101

I took these pictures of Aiden 'shaving with Daddy' a few months ago.  It took me forever to be able to get them off my camera.  Thanks Kenz for the help!  Aiden is always trying to be just like Daddy.  He loves to 'shave' and act like he is all grown up.  Sad thing is it is coming all to fast.


Aiden was stung by a bee on Friday morning.  The next morning his poor hand was so swollen he couldn't even bend his fingers!  I had even been giving him benadryl.  I sure hope he isn't developing an allergy.  It has now been 3 days and his hand is finally starting to look close to normal size.  Poor kid.  A week before that he had stepped on a bee and could hardly walk by that night!  Hope that is the end of bee stings for him this summer.