Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Alaska+Yukon Trail

On our first day on land we stopped in Skagway.  We had all day to hang out there.  We rented a fun little Jeep to get around wherever we wanted to go.  We decided to drive up to the Yukon.  It was a fun drive that brought you past beautiful views, waterfalls, mountains and lakes.  The while drive we were looking for wildlife that was supposed to be everywhere, bears, mountain goats, deer. . .  But all we saw were a few squirrels, and some birds.  
 Our Jeep for the day.  Since Mike and Kenz get car sick Jer and I squished into the back.

 A few of our great views.

 The fun couple that we got to spend a whole week with!

 While we were walking around town we saw Sara Palin and decided to get our picture taken with her, or her cardboard cut-out anyway. 
There were so many beautiful views in Skagway and great sights to see.

Alaska+Gold Panning

While we were in Juneau we went on a Gold Panning excursion.  We had a great time learning the technique's involved in gold panning.  We even all found some gold that we were able to take home with us.  It didn't rain on us thankfully and we went to a delicious Salmon Bake after we found our gold.
 A bit of our gold in the pan.  A bit hard to see but it was there!
 Jer and I panning away.
 Kenzie very proud of her find.
 The boys desperately trying to find a bit more gold before we had to leave. 


We are back from Alaska and I finally finished going through all of the pictures we took.  Between Kenzie and I we had a lot to sort through.  We had an amazing time, relaxing, checking out the scenery and exploring Alaska.
This is our HUGE boat we were on.  The Carnival Spirit.  It was beautiful, the staff was so fun and the food was incredible.  We were with Mike's sister and brother-in-law.  They were so much fun to vacation with.  We were all kid-free for 1 whole week!  No stress, no whining, and no cooking or cleaning!
 During one of our days at sea we cruised to Endicott Arm to check out and incredible glacier.  It was huge and amazing to see in person.  

 On our way back we were able to catch a glimpse of another glacier that was tucked in the mountains.  It had a beautiful waterfall coming from it.
 The icebergs had a pretty blue tint to them that was beautiful.
 While we were in Juneau we had a little extra time so we made a trip to the Mendenhall Glacier.  We didn't have a lot of time but we made the most of it and loved every minute we spent there.  We had just enough time to run all the way to the waterfall snap some pictures and run back to catch our bus.  I was a little nervous on the way there, we kept getting bear warnings and they always told us, "Don't run from the bears, they like to chase their food."  In our hurry to get to the waterfall I was sure that a bear would find me for lunch.  But we made it without a bear sighting.  Although our whole trip we were hoping to spot one or two, no such luck for us though.
 The beautiful waterfall that was right next to the glacier.