Thursday, December 13, 2012

Family Pictures 2012

Our Family
Our family has changed a lot this year.  Adding Parker to our family has been wonderful.  It has also made our life very chaotic.  I NEVER feel chaught up, I'm always scrambling to keep it together I feel.  It is such a weied feeling for me since I like to be one step ahead instead of behind.  I know I'll get back there someday. . . .
Just love these guys!
He is now 7, thinks he's smarter than us and gets himself into lots of trouble.  He also is the sweetest brother.  Always helping with Parker and still loves playing with his sister.  He is learning lots in school, can read really well and LOVES snooping at my texts. 
She is in pre-school and loving it.  She loves learning and is doing very well in class.  She is a perfectionist on her projects and gets really frusterated if things don't turn out perfectly.  She is still our little cowgirl, loves riding horses with Grandma Sterk wants to look 'boyish'.
Wow, this boy has changed our lives so much in such a short period of time.  We love him like crazy and couldn't picture our lives without him.  He completes our family and makes us all so happy.  He is now 6 months old!  Time is going way to fast.  He is starting to sit up, eating solid foods and trying to cut his first tooth.  He is weighing in at 17lbs 11oz and 27 inches long.  A big boy from where he first started.  We are all enjoying this 6 month age he is at.  He is so happy, doesn't cry through dinner anymore.  Is in bed by 7:00(though he isn't sleeping through the night right now!  He needs a little tough love I haven't been able to give yet) 

Our handsome little boys

Friday, October 12, 2012

Parker at 4 Months

Wow, time is flying and this boy is growing up so fast!  He is full of giggles and has a REALLY loud voice!  He 'screams' in stead of babbles and makes sure we all know he is there.  Looks like I'm going to have another chatterbox on my hands. 
He is now enjoying all sorts of new toys and positions.  He loves the walker, because while he is in there the kids push him around everywhere they go.  They incorperate him into there games, it is so sweet. 
He had his 4 month check-up today and is 16lbs (70th) and 26 inches (75th)! 
 Love when they fall asleep in ther toys, they are so cute!
 Our big boy.
 Another baby with BIG blue eyes!
 We started trying some baby food this week, here he is, excited to try PEAS!
 Not as good as he hoped!  He is not impressed with food yet.  Everything we've tried makes him gag.
 Another new place he like to hang out.  (Look at them cute legs!)
 Seriously, those eyes are way to cute!
 Both kids are so great with him.  They play with him all the time and can't get enough.  Aiden doesn't see him near as much anymore with school, so when he gets home he loves taking care of him for me. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Aiden's Sunflowers

Aiden grew Sunflowers in our garden this year.  They got huge!  He was so proud of them. 

 We would find Kayla hiding under one of them eating peas. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I have a picture of all three of my kids at this age in this similar pose and just love it.  I had to get one of him too!  It is one of my favorite pictures of all of my kids.
Parker has started 'chewing' on everything.  His lip, tounge hands, pretty much anything he can get to his little mouth.  Looks like he is gearing up for some real food.  Not to much longer and we can start some of that for him.  As you can tell he isn't getting enough! 
We were all dressed and ready for church on Sunday and got a few quick pics of them all.
These 2 boys look so much alike!
Kayla can't get enough of him.  Her main concern starting pre-school was that she would miss him.

1st Day of School

Both kids have now started school and I'm finally getting settled into a routine with them all.  It's been a really busy summer for us so having them in school now has really helped me start to feel caught up.
Aiden started a few weeks ago already and is loving 1st grade! 
 He was so embarased that I made him take pictures with me at school in front of people!
 Grandma got to come along with us!  She met us for donuts before school and then came with us to bring him to class.  That made his first day so much more special.

 Makayla started preschool yesterday!  She is loving it.  When you ask her how her day was she says, "It was lovely.''  In the sweetest voice!  It is so cute.

After her first day of school I picked her up and she got to go on her first trail ride!  Grandma Sterk, Kayla and I all went and had a great time.  All her horse lessons paid off big time in that trail ride. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Parker is 3 Months!

Time is going so fast with this little guy!  He is already three months and a barrel of fun. He is getting very interactive and giggles so much.  He is still sleeping through the night and growing like a weed.  His evening fussing is dwindeling down, thank goodness and I usually have him in bed by 8:00!   
What Parker thinks is funny. 
(sorry  they are crooked, I couldn't get them flipped.)
That is Kayla in the background making funny noises for him.
He just started using his bumbo and I put the tray with a toy on it for the first time and he thought it was so funny! 
 I finally have been able to get some cute pictures of him smiling! 
 Parker and his new buddy Jaxon.  What a difference 10 weeks makes! ! !


Thursday, August 16, 2012

This 'n That

I found a bunch of pics I have forgotten about and thought I would post. 

This is Aiden on one of his last days of school.  He loved holding Parker while waiting for the bus.
 After Parker was born the kids got bunk beds.  They were so excited!
 I don't know how this came about but I walked in the room and found this.  Mike looks a little to proud.

 Parker got baptised on Sunday.  He looks so big and scrunchy here! 
 A picture of us with our Pastor.
 Last week my sister and I went to the beach to take some pics of Ryker.  The kids just love it there.

 He is such a cutie!  And he is a big brother now! ! ! 
 Lovin summer time.
 The kids got to go camping with my parents again this year.  They had so much fun.
 Makayla loved pulling them around.