Monday, August 9, 2010


Aiden was stung by a bee on Friday morning.  The next morning his poor hand was so swollen he couldn't even bend his fingers!  I had even been giving him benadryl.  I sure hope he isn't developing an allergy.  It has now been 3 days and his hand is finally starting to look close to normal size.  Poor kid.  A week before that he had stepped on a bee and could hardly walk by that night!  Hope that is the end of bee stings for him this summer.


  1. Oh my goodness, poor guy. The skin on his little hand was so stretched. :(

  2. i didn't realize he had gotten stung again. I would definetly watch him closely with bee stings. And give benadryl right after the sting. Dad is now allergic to bess. Poor Aiden. It is not his summer for no Owies. Give them hugs and kisses from us.
