Tuesday, August 4, 2009

It's a Boys Life

A giant dirt pile and 2 boys, what could be better? My little brother, Jake, has been staying with us the last few days and the kids are having so much fun together.

Awww! ! How sweet!

There was no avoiding a bath tonight. It was crowded but they all fit.


  1. those boys look like they are in heaven with all that dirt. So much fun...did you have to rinse and then change the water. Kausten was so dirty one night, i had to drain the water and start over. Silly boys.

  2. I figured out why my last comment didn't work...I forgot to do the password thing at the end to finalize it. Anyways, love the bottom bathtub picture...I'm wondering if they all just happened to be sitting like that or if mommy made them turn around??!
