Saturday, May 21, 2011

Aiden's Big Week

Aiden had his last day of school this week.  For his last day they had a Bike Day and picnic lunch.  He had so much fun with his class.  It was a little crazy with so many 5 year old on bikes plus some sibling.  This was only one of the classes there!  
(Aiden is far left(sorry Ash!), 3 kids in.)
Aiden with 2 of his best school buds Evan and Ethan.
Aiden and his buddy Ethan.
Aiden hanging out with Mason.
Aiden also graduated from pre-school this week! ! !  It was so cute to watch!  He walked down the isle with his little paper graduation hat, sang songs and received a diploma and a children's Bible.
Singing their songs.
I have no idea why his hand is up.  
Getting his diploma from his teacher.  (I was trying to cheer for him and sorta missed my picture opp.  Oops!)
Aiden has been wanting to get a mohawk for a while now, but they aren't to acceptable at his school.  I told him after he graduated from pre-school he could get one.  And here it is! 
Check out all those freckles! 
He was very excited to match his cousin Ryker.

1 comment:

  1. Haha...mama might need to go back to preschool. Hold up the hand that you write with, and that's your right hand. If I'm wrong, Aiden looks a little different than the last time I saw him. (Refer to the first picture of the post if you have no idea what I'm talking about...Aiden is definitely not the 3rd kid from the right.)
    Nick was cracking up that Aiden did a mohawk, and now he wants our boys to do it! I told him Carter couldn't do it while he was in school, and he'll probably forget about it by the time he's out. :)
