Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Oh Kayla

Makayla is such a character lately.  She is always entertaining us with all sorts of goofy things.  She loves to make people laugh and look at her.
She wanted to be pretty here. 
 She was dress all cute for the day and comes running down the hall looking like this. . . a few hours later we had to leave and she couldn't understand why she wasn't allowed to wear the superman underwear. 

 She has just started drawing pictures lately, this was her first picture of a person she drew, I don't know why but I've had it sitting on my counter for 2 weeks, I just think it is so cute. 


  1. oh Kayla...I can't wait to squeeze you. I think you should of been allowed to wear the superman undies. They are adorable.

  2. haha, love all of the bows! stylish!
