Thursday, June 7, 2012

Meet Parker

On Saturday we welcomed Parker Alan to our family. 
Parker Alan
June 2, 2012
6lbs 11 oz
21 inches
3:35 p.m.

 Me the day before Parker was born, boy am I glad I don't have that belly anymore!

 Parker just born.
 Weighing in.

We had the sweetest nurse.   After the kids came in she asked them to help her with a bath.  She got them chairs to stand on gave them washclothes and taught them what to do.  The kids were so excited to be able to be so involved.  They are so in love with him and love helping.

Proud (and tired) Daddy

Getting ready to go home.

Ready for his first car ride.

Home at last. 

2 Days Old

The kids loving on him.

4 Days Old.

So far this little boy has been very sweet.  He is very content and sleepy.  He likes to be held all night though, I think we are going to have some work to do in the future on that one, but for now, we are just enjoying all the snuggles.  We know time goes way to fast and we'll never get this time with him back. 


  1. thank you so much for theses. He is so cute. and I bet you are done with that belly. You sure looked great though. Any pictures of those swollen feet? =)

  2. Oh Michelle! How precious!! Thank you so much for sharing, they are beautiful pictures and your family looks so great. And you rocked that belly, in fact you looked way too perky to be on the verge of labor. :) Congrats to all of you!!!

  3. So cute! I still can't believe he doesn't have a head full of hair! I love the four day picture when he's wearing the navy blue outfit...he looks so stinkin' adorable. :)

  4. Only 19 more days...please grow slowly Parker. Auntie Kenzie can't wait to snuggle you. We may have to hide from Emmalyn or I will only get to snuggles for a few seconds.
